Expedition Updates
Watch the Friendship Beyond Borders team in action
during their
successful summit bid!

June 21st
Expedition Debrief

June 11th
AMB Celebrates Expedition's success--
Tom thanks
CEO Hamid Moghadam and AMB supporters

June 8th
Nawang Sherpa Wins 2004 EVEREST AWARD!

June 4th
Tom McMillan and Tim Roberts arrive back in the US

May 31st
Expedition Team "Steps Out" in grand style--Traditional Everest Summiteers' "Yeti Foot" placed in prominent place in Rum Doodle restaurant in Kathmandu

May 30th
   •Expedition Team honored by US officials and others
   •Tom and Tim return to the US on June 4th
   •Tom shares his thoughts about summit day

May 27th
First summit photos arrive!
Team has become celebrities at home and abroad

May 23rd, 2am Pacific time/2:45pm Nepali time
Team has arrived in back in Kathmandu

May 22nd
Team is in Lukla (9,350ft.), waiting for weather to improve

May 19th
Team preparing to leave Base Camp, begin their trek back to Lukla

May 18th
Team has returned safely to Base Camp (17,500ft.)
Weather was favorable and descent was speedy

May 17th
Team has safely descended to Camp 2 (21,300ft/6500m) Expecting new snowfall tonight, but hoping to descend to Base Camp tomorrow

Sunday May 16th      7:55am Nepali Time,
Saturday May 15th 7:10pm Pacific Daylight Time
Summit Success!
The EVEREST: Friendship Beyond Borders Expedition Team is on the SUMMIT!

May 15th
Video footage of first teams to reach summit this season show conditions look good for our team's summit day on Sunday

May 14th
Team is at Camp 3 (24,500 ft.)
Summit Day on Sunday May 16th
Note: To see what Nawang and Tom are facing on this final section of the mountain, you can view a brief but dramatic videoclip of climbers ascending from Camp 4 at the South Col to the Summit. Amazing footage..

May 13th
Adios to Luanne and Lincoln

May 12th
Going for the summit!

May 10th
Everest teams consider when to try for the summit

May 9th
Update call from Expedition Leader Tom McMillan--Team back at base camp, waiting for weather to stabilize

May 7th
Email update message from Base Camp Manager Lincoln Else

May 3rd
Base Camp Manager Lincoln Else trades Yosemite Big Walls for Everest Big Ice

May 2nd
Camp III (24,442ft.) acclimatization completed, time to rest and prepare for final summit bid

April 20th
Saying goodbye to Base Camp

April 19th
Pushing to Camp II (21,325ft.)

April 11th
Icefall Journeys and establishment of Camp I (19,586ft.)

April 6th
Settling in at Everest base camp (17,500ft.)

April 2nd
Acclimatizing by scaling Island Peak (20,252ft.)

March 21st
Beautiful but hair-raising flight from Kathmandu to Lukla (9,350ft.), start of trek

March 17th
Arrival in Kathmandu,press/embassy meetings,preparations for the trek

February 2004
Nawang visits the U.S. to prepare for the expedition


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© McMillan Associates 2004. All rights reserved.







View press coverage of the expedition on Everestnews.com | ExplorersWeb.com | Google News | BasecampMD.com




Here is our team approaching the summit of Mount Everest on May 16th in perfect conditions--clear skies and calm winds !

You can read accounts of all the teams that attempted to climb Everest this season, both from the south (Nepal) side and from the north (Tibet) side, on the websites listed below. They also contain some amazing video clips of what the teams faced along their way up Mount Everest: ExplorersWeb.com and MountEverest.net



The late Ed Hommer, our team's
role model and Guardian Angel...

Background Information about Ed Hommer
The late Ed Hommer was the first double amputee to reach the summit of Mt. McKinley in June 1999, and he made an attempt on Mt. Everest (from Tibet) in 2001. He met Nawang Sherpa in Kathmandu on his return from Everest, and had intended to make another attempt in 2003 with Nawang, But Ed was tragically killed by rockfall on Mt. Rainier in September of 2002.

Learn more about the history of the High Exposure Foundation, and how Ed Hommerinspired people with disabilities to pursue their dreams,, from a member of the HEF Board of Directors, Ms. Brandy Meadow