Expedition Update

May 23rd, 2am Pacific time/2:45pm Nepali time
Team has arrived in Kathmandu

Tom McMillan reported by satellite phone on Sunday that the team was able to fly out of Lukla early this morning and are now in Kathmandu.

Everyone on the team is well and happy to be back in Kathmandu.

Tom reported that they are being inundated by "an unbelievable amount of attention from the press". They are in the midst right now of a continuous round of interviews with television, newspaper, and magazine reporters. They will also be congratulated by officials at the US Embassy later this week.

Most of the team lives in Kathmandu this time of year, so their families are there to celebrate with them. Tom and Tim plan to stay on for a few days before heading home. When they are not talking to the press, catching up on their sleep, or celebrating with friends, they will be sorting out their equipment and finalizing the expedition paperwork before returning to the United States.

    --Linda McMillan

Flying out of Lukla offers a thrilling end to the trek.

Electronics wizard Ram and others from the Peak Promotion staff will be helping the team sort out the expedition gear.

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Nawang is now one of Nepal's newest Everest celebrities!

Kathmandu is filled with beautiful temples and holy sites









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