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There was great excitement in base camp when Luanne unveiled her state-of-the art shower tent. Unfortunately, it proved no match for the hurricane force winds that swept through the valley one night. After being flattened by the wind, resuscitation of the hapless tent was attempted by the AHA medical team, but tragically failed due to lack of spare parts. Another victim of the cruel mountain...

Read an article about Dr. Luanne Freer and the AHA clinic at Everest Base Camp on the National Geographic website

Expedition Update

May 13th
Adios to Luanne and Lincoln

Lincoln Else left Base Camp earlier this week, and is trekking back to Lukla along with Dr. Luanne Freer, who volunteered her services (medical and website) at the Himalayan Rescue Association Clinic.

If time and weather permit, we are hoping they will have a chance to climb Island Peak before they leave the Khumbu region. They deserve some R & R (rest and recreation) after all their hard work in difficult situations during their weeks at Everest Base Camp.

They are expected to arrive in Kathmandu later this week.

Thanks to both of them for volunteering their time, talents, moral support, humor, and positive energy to our team and the entire base camp community!

Exhibiting his strong journalistic instincts, Lincoln produced an amazing amount of out-going mail (electronic and postal) during our trek and while at Base Camp. Here he is shown sharing some conversation and news with our team mascot, Tendo the Toy Yak, who had been assigned to guard our camp. At Everest base camp, EVERYONE pitches in to ensure expedition success...