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Valuable information for Everest climbers:
Friendship Beyond Borders Expedition
"Debrief" posted on Everest website

One of the valuable parts of the expedition debrief that Tom submitted to Explorers Web is information about the"traffic jams" they experienced while climbing up from the South Col to the Balcony, shown above. He also offers useful tips on how to prevent glasses and goggles from fogging up while climbing using bottled oxygen.










View continued press coverage of the expedition on Google News


Expedition Update

June 21st
Expedition Debrief

Today the ExplorersWeb.com/MountEverest.net website posted an informational wrap-up of our expedition with Tom's "debrief" report. It includes Tom's assessment of some of the risks faced along the final sections of the route on summit day, including comments how to get around traffic jams on the fixed ropes, oxygen flow rates, and how to keep eyewear from fogging up while breathing bottled oxygen.

The report is prefaced by the spectacular short movie of our team's Summit Bid, produced by Randy Cabral of AMB Property Corporation.

Visit our expedition's Press Room for the growing list of articles about the expedition.