There is still time to make a Contribution and gain
a valuable 2004 Tax Deduction...   

Your contributions are needed!
Please contact us to learn how you can help the Friendship Beyond Borders team leverage their success on Everest to helping others in the world who need a chance for their own personal success.

Corporate sponsors are being sought to enable Nawang and the
team members to begin a world tour, speaking on behalf of disabled athletes
Please contact us for details on how you can help us in this effort.

Our goals for this expedition are long term, extending well beyond the time spent on Mt. Everest. Those who support this expedition will be helping not only Nawang, but people in Nepal and elsewhere who want to work and have a productive, rewarding life after suffering severe injuries.

The American Alpine Club (AAC) has granted its sponsorship to the EVEREST: Friends Beyond Borders Expedition. This sponsorship status means that individuals and organizations may make contributions throughout 2004 to the AAC for the benefit of this expedition by writing a check payable to:


and mail to:

c/o Mr. Jerome Mack, Controller
710 Tenth Street, Suite 100
Golden, CO 80401
Attn: Nepal Expeditions

The American Alpine Club is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has represented mountaineers and rock climbers for over a century. Since 1902, the AAC has been devoted to: exploration and scientific study of high mountain elevations and polar regions of the world; promotion and dissemination of knowledge about the mountains and mountaineering through its meetings, publications and libraries; conservation and preservation of mountain regions and other climbing areas; and representation of the interests and concerns of the American climbing community.

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