Expedition Update

May 7th
Email update message from Base Camp Manager Lincoln Else

[Another expedition is letting him use their Internet
connection--a very rare and precious commodity in Base Camp, where communications are always problematic--Linda McMillan

"Typing fast since this is a mooched connection . All is well here, Tim [one of our trekkers] showed up today (wonderful person), and Ted Vaill [an official of The American Alpine Club] spent last night in camp. Great times!

Sat phone acting funny, couldn't get a connection yesterday, possibly weather related, who knows... I'll try again tonight. As you know from talking to Tom on the phone, he made it to camp 3 and headed down to regroup. The weather has been fine in BC but windy as all heck higher on the mountain.

Nima Tashi and the other Sherpas made a carry to the South Col, hopefully Gombu and Pemba will make another while Tashi heads down the hill to meet with Tom and Nawang to talk plans. Weather looks bad for the next while... High winds through the 13th according to [Himalayan Rescue Association doctor] Luanne's forecast [she is printing out and posting weather forecasts for Everest Base Camp].

Everyone is sitting on their hands waiting for a [weather] window (including Working Title). I'm hoping things clear around the 14th or so and Tom and Nawang can make a run for it.

All else is great in camp, Luanne taking off in a week, no major crises in the medical world, and managed to mooch a dinner off Breashears... Wow.

If you haven't already, take a look at basecampmd.com, Luanne's site. Updated daily (if the software is working) and follows the goings-on in camp (including weather, etc). Held the first annual Khumbu Women's Golf Tournament this afternoon.

Hope all is well back in CA, and I can't wait to be back! mmmmm... Salad.

More as I can with email challenges, etc." --Link


Our Hollywood actor friend Tim Roberts has now arrived at base camp. If Lincoln Else needs to return to California before the end of the expedition, Tim as offered to take over for him.

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Lincoln Else is our expedition's Base Camp Manager. During part of the year he works as a Climbing Ranger at Yosemite National Park. Maybe you've debated climbing ethics with him over some of his delicious free coffee in Camp 4 on Sunday mornings?


Life at base camp is "no frills" and full of interesting challenges. Like calculating how long it will take your laundry to dry as it hangs, frozen and stiff as a board, on the clothesline after being washed.

Answer--It seems to be directly proportional to how badly you need those clean clothes, but is always much, much longer than you'd ever have guessed.