Expedition Update

June 11th
AMB Celebrates Expedition's success--Tom thanks CEO Hamid Moghadam and AMB supporters

Today Tom and Linda had the opportunity to personally thank AMB Chairman and CEO Hamid Moghadam for his inspiration and the generous challenge donation that got this expedition underway.

During an "All Hands Meeting" of the AMB global staff, Tom gave a stirring photo and video presentation about the expedition, its goals, and its multiple successes. He conveyed his deep gratitude to Hamid Moghadam and to the people of AMB who contributed in so many ways to the expedition.

He then welcomed Hamid to the lectern to present him with some special gifts. These included a signed photo of the team on the summit of Mount Everest, an official expedition patch, a small piece of Everest limestone from the summit, an official expedition postcard signed by all members of the team, copies of press coverage of Nawang Sherpa in Nepal, and a Certificate of Appreciation from the team.

Draped with silk katas, traditional Sherpa prayer scarves Tom and Linda had brought from Nepal, Hamid addressed the audience. He spoke about the way this expedition will serve as an inspiration to AMB and its worldwide staff to reach for the highest goals, whether in business or in one's personal life. He then lauded the courage and commitment of the expedition climbing team, particularly Nawang Sherpa, who on in reaching the summit became the first trans-tibial amputee to ever climb Mount Everest.

Thanks again to Hamid, the people of AMB, and all our many supporters !

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Friendship Beyond Borders Team expresses
their thanks to AMB sponsors

Tom McMillan expressed his thanks on behalf of the EVEREST: Friendship Beyond Borders Expedition at the AMB world headquarters in San Francisco









Hamid was also congratulated by Tom's brother and fellow adventurer, Peter McMillan (center) of Texas Pacific Group. In 1994, Peter led a project to construct a replica Vickers VIMY (a biplane used at the end of WWI) and fly it from London to Sydney, Australia. Peter wrote about this remarkable "historic re-creation" of the world's first long distance flight in 1919 in his book The Greatest Flight: Reliving the Aerial Triumph That Changed the World. Peter's flight was also featured as the cover article of the May 1995 issue National Geographic Magazine and in a National Geographic documentary film called "The Greatest Flight".

In June 2005 Peter's Vimy Atlantic team will recreate the first direct crossing of the Atlantic by the British team of John Alcock and Arthur Whitten-Brown in June 1919.