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Expedition Team Member

Nawang Sherpa, Climbing Member
First Time Everest Summiteer

A native of the Solukhumbu village of Tapting, Nawang Sherpa (32 yrs) has dreamed of climbing Mount Everest since he was a child.

He overcame severe physical injury in 2000 to hold on to that dream and make it a reality in 2004. Nawang Sherpa has received professional training in mountain climbing and had completed a portion of his certification work for becoming a high altitude porter before his tragic accident in 2000.

After he received his first prosthetic leg, he worked on several treks and climbs in the Everest region, and twice climbed beyond advanced base camp on the south face of Everest.

As a member of our expedition, Nawang gained the summit of Mount Everest for the 1st time and earned a place in history as the first Nepali amputee (and the first trans-tibial amputee from any country) to stand on top of Everest.

Nawang and his wife have three young children and live most of the year in Kathmandu.

Nawang in Duluth, Minnesota

Nawang's friends in America have helped him to receive state-of-the-art prosthetic equipment and the expert fittings and adjustments he needed to climb Mount Everest. In the process, Nawang has been able to experience some of the rich diversity of America by visiting his friends in Minnesota, Colorado, and California.

Nawang in California with his friend Jangbu Sherpa

Nawang at Fort Point in San Francisco Nawang at Glacier Point, overlooking Half Dome, at Yosemite National Park

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In 2002, only a year after receiving his first prosthetic leg, Nawang was already training again to be a climbing guide, hoping to "some day" climb Mount Everest. That day finally came on May 16, 2004, about four years after his injury.



Nawang Sherpa epitomizes the legendary strength, perserverance, and indomitable spirit of the Sherpa people. Armed with a positive commitment to success, help from his employer, and the generosity of his many friends, Nawang has been able to regain a normal life, his career, and now his dream to climb Mount Everest.

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