Expedition Team Member

Lincoln Else, Base Camp Manager

A native of northern California, Lincoln (27 yrs) has enjoyed rock climbing and mountaineering in the US and abroad. During part of the year he works as a Climbing Ranger at Yosemite National Park. He brought many valuable skills to the expedition team, such as expertise with: communications equipment, cameras of all kinds, computers, emergency medicine/rescue procedures, stone construction techniques, and volunteer project management.

Besides helping our expedition, Lincoln was recruited by Himalayan Rescue Association doctors to also help them with logistics, photography, communications, and other jobs.

He won the respect and gratitude of the entire Everest base camp community just a few days after arriving by following his intuition to gather some volunteers to create a new helicopter landing zone for the area . Only two days later, the landing zone was needed for an emergency evacuation of a woman injured by rockfall.

When he's not traveling to exotic destinations, Lincoln splits his time between the San Francisco Bay Area and Yosemite National Park.

Lincoln also served as our expedition photographer. His experience behind the camera showed in the masterful way he could capture a scene.


When the camera came out, a crowd was sure to gather and watch. Lincoln knew how to deal with the challenges of photography in remote places.


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Lincoln Else served as our expedition's Base Camp Manager until mid-May when he had to return to California to start his seasonal job as a Climbing Ranger at Yosemite National Park.

He quickly became a prized commodity in base camp because of his many skills and boundless energy.