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Expedition Team Member

Tom McMillan, Expedition Leader
First Time Everest Summiteer

A native of North Carolina, Tom (47 yrs) has enjoyed rock climbing and mountaineering in the US and abroad for over 30 years. He has experience in all types of climbing: high altitude mountaineering in the Great Ranges, general alpinism, technical rock climbing, big wall climbing, ice climbing, mixed climbing, and ski mountaineering.

With friends around the world, he has enjoyed such climbs as the Cassin Ridge of Denali (Alaska), the North Face of the Matterhorn (Switzerland), Bonatti Pillar (France), Central Pillar of Freney (Italy to France), peaks in the Cordillera Blanca (Peru), Mustagh Ata (China), the Canadian Rockies, and big walls in Yosemite (El Capitan in-a-day, Tempest, Tribal Rite, etc.).

Tom works as a Database Developer for AMB Property Corporation in San Francisco. He lives with his wife, Linda (also a climber) in San Rafael, California, just north of San Francisco.




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In preparation for climbing Mount Everest, last July Tom climbed Mustagh Ata in western China with two friends from Colorado. Chad McFadden took this photo of Tom on the upper part of the mountain, showing the dramatic backdrop of the high peaks of northern Pakistan in the distance.


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In 1998, Tom led an American expedition to climb the South Face of Annapurna, looming here in the background behind Tom. It was on that expedition that Tom met Nawang, who was a trekking guide for the group. That was the start of their "Friendship Beyond Borders".