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EVEREST: Friendship Beyond Borders Expedition

First Attempt, One Artificial Leg, Trained Enroute, Summit Success

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True love beyond borders...Congratulations to our team member Pem Dorjee and his bride Moni on their marriage atop Mount Everest on May 30th!

Like Tom and Nawang, this was Pem Dorjee's first attempt to climb Mount Everest and his first summit success. Here he proudly displays the Nepalese flag while posing for his "summit shots".

"People are people so there's no problem about caste" Pem Dorjee ...more

Pem Dorjee lookin' cool at the top of the Khumbu Icefall of Everest. The youngest member of our climbing team, Pem Dorjee proved he was friendly, capable, and multi-talented. He and our Base Camp Manager, Lincoln Else, had a lot in common, such as a love of climbing, high-tech electronics, and rock music. So they became great friends.



Expedition Team Member

Pem Dorjee Sherpa, Climbing Sherpa

First Time Everest Summiteer 2004
Second Time Everest Summiteer 2005
First Marriage Atop Mount Everest, May 30, 2005

During an especially difficult climbing season on the south side of Mount Everest, on 30 May 2005 Pem Dorjee reached the summit for the second time. While on the summit, he exchanged wedding vows with his teammate Ms. Mori Mulepati of Kathmandu. They became the first couple to wed on Mount Everest.

Tom McMillan, our Friendship Beyond Borders Expedition Leader, was among the first to congratulate Pem Dorjee and his climbing partner/bride:

"On behalf of our entire team, we send Pem Dorjee and Moni our heartiest congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy life climbing together.

Their love, marriage, and climbing success, overcoming terrible conditions on Everest this year, dramatically symbolize the universal goals of our expedition: Using the Friendship of Climbing and the Spirit of the Mountains to reach beyond social and political borders. Bringing people together with mutual respect to overcome challenges and achieve greatness."

Originally from Tapting, Solukhumbu, Pem Dorjee Sherpa, (22 yrs) is a talented young man at the start of his 8,000 meter climbing career.

A native of the village of Tapting, Solukhumbu, Pem Dorjee Sherpa, (22 yrs) is a talented young man at the start of his 8,000 meter climbing career.

In the past he has worked as a climbing Sherpa on an expedition to Dhaulagiri, and was instrumental in a performing a rescue of a climber who became ill high on the mountain. As a climbing Sherpa on our expedition, "Pem-D" gained the summit of Mount Everest on his first attempt.

In addition to being a climber, Pem Dorjee also has training in filming and photography, which was put to use on our expedition.

During most of the year Pem Dorjee lives in Kathmandu.


Pem Dorjee on route up Mount Everest. His headphones and CDs are probably nearby.


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